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Evaluation of Biological Literature

Sleep homeostasis, habits and habituation

Vladyslav V. Vyazovskiy, Mark E. Walton, Stuart N. Peirson, David MBannerman

Sleep walking occurs because of changes in the levels of GluA1 AMPAR subunit in synaptic membranes. Sleep plays a role in dishabituation, which restores attentional capacity. Sleep disturbance may change the nature of behavior. The relationship between plasticity (synaptic) and memory has been considered in terms of encoding  long term memory. There is also evidence stating that synaptic plasticity and glutamate receptors may underlie a different kind of memory trace.

Marijuana Use by Adolescents and Young Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Edward J. Hoffenberg, Shannon K. McWilliams,Susan K. Mikulich-Gilbertson

Forty-six states have approved medical marijuana and eight states have laws allowing possession and consumption for recreational use. An individual that has Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease would be considered a good candidate for recreational marijuana. Cannabinoid metabolism primarily involves the human liver  microsomes CYP2C and CYP3A. We believe that marijuana use in adolescents and young adults with IBD is prevalent enough to warrant developing guidelines for periodic screening, testing, and counseling.

Cancer-related hypercalcemia in oral cancer

Edward J. Hoffenberg, Shannon K. McWilliams,Susan K. Mikulich-Gilbertson

Oral cancers include lip, tongue, buccal, and gingival. Cancer related  hypercalcemia (CRH) is a critical  disorder in advanced cancer patients. In clinical practice, patients with CRH have a poor prognosis. CRH affects 20% to 44.1% of patients with cancer during their clinical course. The occurrence of CRH often leads to many symptoms, such as nausea, and constipation lethargy, and confusion.

Relevance of treated cocaine users’ retrospective memory of first cocaine use

EmilyKarsinti, Kristel Piania, Hedi Zerdazi

It has been proposed that the development of psychotic symptoms during first cocaine exposures could cause an aversive effect that decreases the risk of subsequent cocaine use disorder. Tachypsychia may arise from a pharmacological interaction between the stimulant effects of cocaine and the sedative effects of opioids. Using heroin prior to the first cocaine use and first cocaine use administrated intravenously and feeling less tachypsychia were interrelated. It may be speculated that the association with cocaine-induced psychotic symptoms could be explained by personality factors such as sensation seeking. Greater levels of Disinhibition could lead to higher cocaine doses, which increases the likelihood of cocaine-induced psychotic symptoms.

Anti-obesity potential of natural methylxanthines

David F.Carrageta, Tânia R.Dias, Marco G.Alves

Obesity is one of the most challenging health issues worldwide that has been steadily increasing in the last decades. Obesity arises from a positive energy balance in result of increased intake and decreased energy expenditure. Natural products obtained from plants have been thoroughly studied to infer whether these have any potential to target obesity. Methylxanthines comprise one of those classes of compounds that are abundant in common food products consumed on a daily basis worldwide, such as coffee, chocolate, or tea. Caffeine is the most studied methylxanthine. This article aims discusses information on methylxanthines in the modulation of adipose tissue functions.

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