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Oral Presentations

Photoacoustic imaging of placental oxygenation is a poster that I presented during the summer at Wake Forest, and during scholarship day at WSSU. This poster focuses on imaging pregnant mice to detect their oxygen levels to determine if they are at risk for Hypoxia. Most pregnant women develop high blood pressure and low oxygen levels while carrying a baby. The goal of my research is to assess placental oxygenation and hypoxia throughout normal pregnancy.

This is another presentation that I presented during the summer at Wake Forest, and during scholarship day at WSSU. Muscadine grapes are full of antioxidants and polyphenols, which are essential for good cardiovascular health. The goal of this study is to determine weather a muscadine grape extract combined with exercise will increase the overall health in cardiac function in old male rats.

This is a presentation that I presented at scholarship day. This research was conducted in Dr. Logan's lab. The goal of this research is to determine if we can increase the blood pressure in rats by giving them a low sugar diet, and then reversing these affects by diet and exercise.

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